
Thursday, 25 April 2013

Call for Participation...

Exhibition participation required:

Belonging Matters”...
... or does it?  ...this simple word can evoke all kinds of emotions and transport us to different times and places in our lives. Charles Dickens once said “Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one, stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration.”  What does it take to make you feel at home?  A comfy chair maybe? Being surrounded by beautiful objects?  Coffee simmering on the stove perhaps or even a long soak in a hot bath? Whatever it is, as humans we have a clear instinctive need for a personal space that gives meaning to our lives, but we all understand this idea differently.  To some the home is one of the few places where we can be ourselves and where we can seek refuge from a busy and chaotic world!  To others.....not so.  Maybe “home” isn’t even a place after all, perhaps “home” is “a feeling that you should be in this exact place, in this very moment and nowhere else”!!  I’d like to hear what you think!  I’m looking for your idea of “home”, the good and/or the bad, what it means to you.  Rules: no more than 15 words; it can be just one if you want;  It can be a story (very short story);  a poem; a verse;  or just a few words that describe how the word “home” makes you feel.  I will accept images, or even objects as long as they belong to you (ask for details).

The words will be used in my upcoming exhibition “Belonging Matters” with full accreditation to the author(s).  Please email me if you wish to take part, I will reply to all emails  Thank you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow that IS just so lovely what you just wrote! Btw I saw your comment on Nina's Blog and thought Id look at your Blog! I hope you don't mind!? So lovely your writings!