
Monday, 23 March 2015

Hello Spring...

Hugely busy few months going on here with one thing and another.  Our whole house/building is undergoing massive change to incorporate living space, the shop and the creative workshops.  The biggest decision was to move our living area to the top floor of the house and have a flat or 'loft living' as i like to call it.  Don't get me wrong i've not moved into a dark little attic room, the top floor of our house is actually very bright, cosy and comfortable.  But more on that soon.

Plans for 'Indigo Moon Creative Workshops' are all going full steam ahead with a few more bookings pencilled in for 2016 and even one for 2017.  A problem I had was not having a diary with years enough ahead to book artists in - and yes i know there is always the calendar on microsoft, but given my penchant for chucking wine and/or coffee over my computer i decided that there has to be a backup! my beautiful girl treated me to this lovely thick lined notebook from Paperchase and i made my own, it works a treat.

I'm still madly preparing the rooms for the workshop and now that the living space is more organised i can get on with a few things, of course we are working on the shop too so it all takes time.

Hopefully the Indigo Moon Creative Workshops web site will be up an running very soon.

Thank you to all those who have emailed me to be added to the mailing list for the workshops, it's done and you will be hearing very soon.  If anyone wants to be added to the mailing list please contact me on

I've not had time for doing anything remotely creative for the last few months, most of my supplies have been packed away with all the upheaval going on here, however, i have had time to sit quietly on a late evening, gather my thoughts and look at other people's creations.

One of my favourite blogs for art is Cathy Cullis.  Her work is heart meltingly beautiful and she's just produced this limited edition poetry zine, i had to have it for my collection.

Cathy always puts in a little extra piece of art, today was a small painting of a lady on black card, i can't wait to frame it.

Another blog i enjoy is Artemis Russell, AKA Junkaholique, always worth a visit.  Naturally there are many others, but too many to mention here.

Ok that's it for now, back to painting walls and doors etc etc etc...


1 comment:

Lynn Holland said...

I like Cathy's work and that of Constanza D'Silva who works in a similar way